Discover the most recent and exciting news from our vibrant school community. 了解最新的新闻, 事件, 成就就在我们专门的新闻页面上.
周日, 9月15日, five students and a faculty member visited the New 不伦瑞克植物 Garden, 就在埃德蒙斯顿北边, 离皇冠足彩一个小时的路程.
After a heartbreaking double overtime loss to the Washburn Beavers 6 days prior the Penguins were out for revenge on their home turf.
皇冠足彩欢迎Noah Silversmith,我们新的全职音乐老师. 诺亚带来了丰富的经验, having recently completed two years teaching music and English in Taiwan as a Fulbright Scholar.
Dartmouth College has a longstanding commitment to educating exceptional students from all backgrounds, 包括那些来自小城镇和农村社区的人.
在第一次播种将近一年之后, 安德鲁·潘恩(Andrew Paine, 1924年)的西番莲藤开出了第一朵花!
皇冠足彩的艺术指导老师J. 唐纳德•希尔, recently showcased his artwork at the University of 缅因州 at Presque Isle's Reed Art Gallery. Cyr's part of the exhibition was titled "Imaginary Greek Landscapes,并在石膏胶合板上展示了一系列圆形绘画, 灵感来自他在希腊的旅行.
This week's 周四的倒退 is a submission from Michael Scace ('04).
我们正在为2024年的运动赛季做准备, we’re excited to highlight the diverse range of sports offerings that demonstrate the balance between academics and athletics at our school.
We are pleased to introduce our new team of Residential Assistants (RAs) for the upcoming year.
在周六, 8月31日, students at the 缅因州科学与数学学院 (皇冠足彩) gathered for the annual Field Day. 这个事件, 旨在帮助返校学生和新生建立联系, 是新学年开始的一个亮点吗.
作为我们30周年庆典的一部分, we're excited to kick off a more consistent 周四的倒退 series!
今年是皇冠足彩 30周年的开始, and we’re thrilled to welcome 31 new students from all 16 counties of 缅因州. 我们社区的新成员, 被亲切地称为企鹅, 在上周的登记入住后安顿好了吗.
在我们庆祝皇冠足彩第27届STEM夏令营的时候, we're thrilled to highlight the incredible experiences that have kept young minds engaged and inspired.
不伦瑞克大学学生将前往摩洛哥参加美国旅游项目.S. Department of State's National Security Language Initiative for Youth Program.
5月16日, 2024, 皇冠足彩 athletes showcased their talents at the Aroostook League Track and Field Championship held at the Johnson Athletic Complex at Caribou High School.
The final full weekend before finals and graduation at 皇冠足彩 was a memorable mix of fun and relaxation, giving students a chance to unwind before the intensity of exam week.
缅因州科学与数学学院 (皇冠足彩) recently took part in a thrilling scientific endeavor through NASA's CubeSat Launch Initiative.
We are pleased to recognize the outstanding achievements of nine seniors from the 缅因州科学与数学学院 (皇冠足彩) who are graduating not only with a high school diploma but also with an Associate's degree from the University of 缅因州 at Presque Isle (UMPI).
祝贺女士. 杜波依斯夫人. 马多雷顾问小组, 不可救药的合成器, 谁赢得了首届企鹅顾问杯!
缅因州科学与数学学院 (皇冠足彩) is incredibly proud of the Class of 2024, who have secured admission to outstanding colleges and universities from coast to coast.
缅因州科学与数学学院 is proud to announce the Harry S. 杜鲁门 Foundation has released the 60 recipients of the prestigious 2024 杜鲁门 Scholarship for aspiring public service leaders.
七名学生和住宿生活主任. T, from the 缅因州科学与数学学院 (皇冠足彩) recently joined forces to support the 3rd Annual 5K Color Run/Walk, 4月27日举行.
The 皇冠足彩 Junior Seminar class is a great guide every step of the way for the college application process
Rob brings with him a long and varied professional background that is deeply embedded in residential schools.